Usage of BGM System Speaker
Background music is abbreviated as BGM, which is the abbreviation of Back Ground Music. The main function of the loudspeaker of BGM system is to cover up noise and create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere. If the listener does not listen attentively, he can not distinguish the location of the sound source. The volume of the loudspeaker is small. It is a kind of music that can create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.
Therefore, the function of speakers in BGM system speaker is to conceal environmental noise psychologically and to create an atmosphere suitable for indoor environment. It is widely used in hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, hospitals, office buildings and so on. Music should be lyric or relaxed, and intense music is inappropriate.
Background music is not stereo, but monophonic. This is because stereo requires the ability to distinguish the direction of the sound source and have a sense of depth. Background music, however, does not know where the sound comes from without paying attention to it, and does not want to be perceived as the source of the sound, so that the BGM system speaker requires that the source be concealed, while the volume is relatively light, so as not to affect the two person-to-person speech as the principle.
Guangzhou Xinghongde Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd (Brand: RH-AUDIO) manufactures and supplies reputable high-end devices of commercial speaker system, offering pre-sales service on the solutions according to customers' specific requirements and after-sales service on installations.
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